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About La Poderosa Corporation:


Many think about literacy as simply reading and writing.  Yet for LPC literacy means much more:


Mirriam Webster defines literacy as:

  • the quality or state of being literate

  • Synonyms (erudition, knowledge, learnedness, learning, education, scholarship)
  • Antonyms (ignorance, illiteracy, illiterateness)
LPC transforms and incarnates the above definition in this concise and precise format:
Many use the Chinese Proverb as their definition of empowerment; "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime".  "Yet he / she who owns the pond, has the power".  (Dr. John Perkins)
An example of this is exhibited in LPC's intended outcome:
L.P.C. takes a parent that feels powerless, does not know their rights, feels inept, has no clue, knowledge, awareness, ability, skills, tools, resources and feels intimidated due to many factors.  L.P.C. totally transforms such a parent where they feel competent, knowledgeable, confident, has the skills, has the resources, has the power to have a direct impact on their child's education and such a parent can stand confidently before teachers, principals, superintendents, boards and focus groups to advocate for their rights, their child's education, and “own” their child's education.  Such a parent acquires the skills to challenge leaders by asking key critical questions of accountability but working positively, collaboratively and productively to improve the educational system in their respective communities despite their language barriers, cultural barriers, lack of education, and proficiency of the English Language.

About the Executive Director:

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